JOIN US!! October 13, 2012 from 4-7pm
Lakemont Pool and Tennis Club 409 Harvard St.
Raleigh, NC 27609

Monday, September 24, 2012

Flapjack Jam ::: Update 9/21/12


WHO KNEW that just coming out to the Flapjack Jam was going to have so many rewards? THIS year, in addition to the heart-warming feeling you get by doing good, you will also be entered into a LIMITED DRAWING!
That's right, friends! IF you bring SIX guests who have never been TO the the Flapjack Jam before - you will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift certificate to the famed, world-renowned Angus Barn. Guests have to be over 18 - you can't just pick up random kids from the 'hood...and you will need to stop at the ticket booth and let us get a pulse - just kidding, but you do need to stop by and give us their names so we can add them to our list for next year...see how this works :-)
SO - call those old friends you have been dying to see, get the local barista, put some yard signs up - this year is ALL about some outreach...and some fantastic corn-fed beef that only the AB can provide...
Great, Fantastic, Unbelievable News...
After more than two months of oral antibiotics, IV antibiotics, PICC line and additional treatments, SUPER D is PICC-LINE FREE! 
Yesterday, the nurse came over and pulled it out (yes, friends, Dylan is keeping it...) and he is living it up! We want to thank everyone for their prayers, for coming to see Dylan at Duke and for being such a big part of our fight to find a cure!
For all that Dylan and his family have had to endure these last 60+ days, let's make this Flapjack Jam the BEST FLAPJACK JAM EVER!
WOO-HOO! Thanks to our latest sponsors - Howard, Green & Moye, LLP and Metal Tech Inc! they have answered the call - going beyond our wildest dreams...thanks for helping to brighten our first week of soliciting sponsorships!
And, there is plenty of room available if you want to get on board - we have various levels to fit just what you are looking for! Check out our sponsorship levels here to the right, click and pay - we are that easy, folks!
The Auction - the SWAG!
The auction is taking shape, friends! We have a PLETHORA of items up for bidding - vacation houses (doesn't that sleeping porch look de-vine?), dinner on the town, sporting event tickets - really, anything you could image, within reason, of course!
The Flapjack Jam is a mere 10 weeks before Christmas - no pressure, we're just saying that perhaps you would want to take advantage of these FANTASTIC deals and get some holiday shopping done at the same time...
Think about it, not having to go to the mall or wait for that darn UPS truck to get for thought, friends, food for thought...
Until next time, friends!

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