JOIN US!! October 13, 2012 from 4-7pm
Lakemont Pool and Tennis Club 409 Harvard St.
Raleigh, NC 27609

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Banned, but not defeated!!

My my my, it was a busy week for our little video...

footage taken on Wednesday, edited on Thursday and posted on Friday.

You were all so kind in your words and generous to share the video along that there were 450 views by Sunday!!

Two days, 450 views! And at least two reports of the link being sent to Scotty's family, though we don't know if they had a chance to view it before...

Sunday evening when we were shut down by 'the man.' UMG corporate did not appreciate our using their music without permission...

Fair enough, who knew SuperDylan and the quest for Scotty would be such a sensation? I never even thought about asking permission to use a song in a video I thought only a handful of people would see! 

So... after some conversations with lawyers in LA, and a warning on my YouTube account it is time to move upward and onward.

That's right, a few legal challenges won't stop us in our quest for the best Flapjack Jam ever! We are not giving up on Scotty yet!!
Watch out for a new video... perhaps with an original song written just for the occasion!!

In other news... YOU CAN HELP!!!

This week we are focusing on sponsors and silent auction items!!
Would you love for your business to be featured
on the coolest T-Shirt in town?
What silent auction item would make you bid
past your spouse's comfort zone? Let us know!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


So it all started innocently enough... three friends visiting while their kids played.

And as for many moms, our conversation trended toward the most pressing issue of our time... reality TV.

"Are you watching American Idol?"
"We are! We've been voting for Scotty!"
"Did you know that Nicole taught Kindergarten in the class next to him?"
"I didn't!! Now I will vote for him even more!"
"Yes, Dylan is a huge fan... he even wondered if Scotty would be willing to play at the next Flapjack Jam..."

at first, it was just in passing... but as time went on and we witnessed Scotty, a high school baseball star, a former PE student of another friend of ours, a kid with an impossible goal... we watched as his dream came true and we thought, why not?

Why not dream big?   What's the harm in asking anyway?

So here is us asking Scotty to be at our Flapjack Jam... Enjoy!!

Scotty, Come to the Flapjack Jam! Video

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Rooted in Friendship

Team SuperDylan at the 2011 Great Strides Walk
That is the answer I give when asked how the Flapjack Jam was started; it is rooted in friendship. Neighbors met, started a bunco group, swapped mothering stories and baby gear and became a community. They went to the same preschools, churches and parks. They delighted in each other's joy, comforted each other's sadness and cooked months worth of food for any occasion that seemed to warrant a casserole.

This community, joined by an ever growing population of friends and family that love Dylan, is part of the 'SuperDylan Nation.'

We started the Flapjack Jam to celebrate life with our friends. We started it to create something positive from our strength. But most of all we started it to stand arm in arm with our close friend in the fight against the disease that threatens her son's life.

And the year that the cure is found, SuperDylan Nation will raise a glass to one another and to all the similar communities that have formed around the country. That year we will know that we helped thousands of children and parents  forever breathe easier with the threat of CF behind them.

And on that year, the Flapjack Jam will be free for all!!
Join us! All proceeds from this car magnet goes to CFF!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Two acts confirmed!

We are excited to announce that two of the musical acts that made the Flapjack Jam such a memorable event last year have agreed to come back and play for us again this year!

Comprised of five guys with day jobs and very understanding families, John's Neighbors will bring an original mix of jazz, rock and funk to our hills. 

Also, Whit Woodhaus will be back with his soulful acoustic set.

We are incredibly grateful to our wonderful musicians as they volunteer their time and talent.  In keeping with good CFF tradition, we want every penny you give to us, to go straight to finding a cure!

Thanks for checking in, get ready to JAM ON!!!