JOIN US!! October 13, 2012 from 4-7pm
Lakemont Pool and Tennis Club 409 Harvard St.
Raleigh, NC 27609

Thursday, August 25, 2011


So it all started innocently enough... three friends visiting while their kids played.

And as for many moms, our conversation trended toward the most pressing issue of our time... reality TV.

"Are you watching American Idol?"
"We are! We've been voting for Scotty!"
"Did you know that Nicole taught Kindergarten in the class next to him?"
"I didn't!! Now I will vote for him even more!"
"Yes, Dylan is a huge fan... he even wondered if Scotty would be willing to play at the next Flapjack Jam..."

at first, it was just in passing... but as time went on and we witnessed Scotty, a high school baseball star, a former PE student of another friend of ours, a kid with an impossible goal... we watched as his dream came true and we thought, why not?

Why not dream big?   What's the harm in asking anyway?

So here is us asking Scotty to be at our Flapjack Jam... Enjoy!!

Scotty, Come to the Flapjack Jam! Video

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog!!!!!Thanks for all the support everyone gives my nephew Dylan.
