Did you look at the calendar this morning? It's October 1 already! Time is flying by! Only 12 more days to the Flapjack Jam! We are so, so excited over here at the HQ. We have been busy as bees - working non-stop to bring you the BEST EVENT EVER! ( I love an exclamation point today!!)
Where to start...
Tickets, yeah, you're going to need some of those. And T-shirts. You will need those too. You need to get them ASAP - don't delay! Visit the website www.flapjackjam.com and pick your poison - you can get the $50 FRIEND OF DYLAN sponsorship, which gets you two adult tickets and your name on the website, or you can order straight tickets and t-shirts there too.
Remember, very important here, we will NOT be ordering a lot of extra kids sizes this year. Some of you may recall the TODDLER T-SHIRT DEBACLE OF 2011 - where the t-shirts were so teensy-weensy we had to add them to Sister's American Girl wardrobe. We don't want that to happen again. NOT sure what I (oops, I mean the t-shirt orderer) was thinking here! So, theLAST DAY TO PRE-ORDER T-SHIRTS ON LINE IS WEDNESDAY, 10/3 before midnight. If you want to still preorder, you can do so through Thursday, 10/4 at 8pm, but you will need to contact Becky to get your order in. After that, you are going to have to buy it at the door and pay the extra cash!
See, friends, there are ALL kinds of upsides to preordering - for example, you can wear your shirt to the event, you can save money (Dave Ramsey likes that!) and you can avoid those long, nasty lines. Who wouldn't want to preorder. Everyone's doing it.
Six 4 CF
Who is in? I have been perusing the menu over at the Angus Barn, boy do they have it going on! Not that I think I'm going to win or anything, I just like to be prepared. Really.
Remember, if you bring 6 GUESTS WITH YOU (folks that are breathing, over 18 and have never been to the FJJ before) then you will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift certificate to the Angus Barn. What's not to love about this? The person who thought of this must be really, really super smart. Yeah, thanks, Wayne.